Adam Israel

Adam Israel

An economy of words.


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The Clarion Write-a-thon starts on June 24th, running parallel to the six week workshop I attended in 2010. While this summers workshop students toil away in San Diego, I’ll be one of many writers helping to raise awareness and solicit donations to a cause we believe in.


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We built the house, my ex-wife and I, a decade ago. We poured our love into her foundations as we watched her bones rise over the snowy plains of Illinois. Vein and sinew were strung throughout and were covered by skin. A miraculous thing, to witness for the first time.


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The Hugo Nominations were announced this afternoon. I watched the cheers streaming on Twitter, mostly before I saw the nomination itself. Congrats to all nominees. I take particular happiness in seeing many familiar names among the bunch.

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This website is the digital home of software engineer, author, and genealogist Adam Israel.